Herself the Elf was a series of toys from Mattel in the 1980's. Not only were they beautiful girl's toys, but the characters themselves encouraged an awareness of nature and the balance that nature maintains. Unfortunately, lot of today's toys and cartoons don't carry on the basic themes of children's toys like caring, sharing, and love.
"Herself the Elf is the elf in charge. When it comes to work, there's no job too large. She keeps nature running as smooth as can be; helps raise a fawn to a deer, a sapling to a tree. She's charming and fair and funny too. With her magical powers, there's nothing she can't do. Her wand has a bell with a beautiful ring. She got it from her father, the old elf king."
"Snowdrop" is pure as newly driven snow. When it comes to helping, she never says no. She spins snowflakes in blows breezes with such perfect care, it's no wonder she's in charge of water and air. She carries a wand with a caterpillar on the top. When it comes to good deeds, she never does stop."
"Meadow Morn is Herself's™* best pal. She's feisty, she's quick, an adventurous gal. When it comes to creatures large and small, Meadow Morn™* takes care of them all. She carries a wand with a bluebird at the end. She's Herself™* and the animals' very best friend."
"Willow Song has extra keen ears, so she can listen to what no one else hears. She's in charge of all of nature's sounds, from the chirping of birds to the barking of hounds. She's often thought of as a daydreaming dear. But she's not as clumsy as she may appear. Her frog-tipped wand keeps villians away, making the woods safe, by night and day."
"Wood Pink is the elf designer. When it comes to good taste there's no one finer. She's in charge of all the colors of nature...the trees, sky, leaves, and every living creature. With just a flick from her butterfly-tipped wand she can camoulflage and elephant, turn a brunette into a blonde."
Available Images:
MIB dolls - picture of three dolls mint in box.
Flower Vanity and Shower - Vanity (daisy swivel mirror, leaf sink, butterfly comb, terry towel) / Shower (working shower and petal tub, removable shower, comb, and bathing suit)
Flower House/Doll 'N Tote/Rag Doll - House (leaf couch, petal lamp, pop-up umbrella table, two flower bowls, two flower glasses, two tree trunk chairs, a swinging flower hammock, and tinkling elf chimes) / Doll 'n Tote (doll, pocket)
Booklet Cover - cover image of the booklet that came with the dolls
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